New World players have been waiting for it and now it’s finally here: once again, players will have the opportunity to transfer servers following the long-awaited second distribution of server transfer tokens tomorrow, Feb. 15.
With this second round of server transfers, Amazon will be marking some servers as full so that no characters can transfer to them or new characters created on the server while the status is active. This should help make sure that transfers are more evenly distributed instead of bottlenecking servers and causing further imbalances while leaving others emptier.

"The first round of server transfers provided a lot of lessons for us to learn from, and we apologize that it has been at the expense of some of you joining your friends on a server of your choice," Amazon say. "After transfers have been unblocked and our investigations into these cases are complete, we are looking to provide a second round of server transfers. Estimated timing is before the year’s end. We will keep you updated if that changes"
Like last time, you can only use the transfer tokens to move between servers in the same region. Tokens are account-based too, so you’ll only get one for your account, not for each character. Transfer tokens don’t expire, however, meaning players can hold on to them for as long as they want.
When it comes to New World, there have been many observations about populations and drops over the past few months, so another round of transfers also makes sense in case your server was merged in a way that left you without a good faction population or simply without enough opportunity to succeed. This will also give players a chance to move and play with their friends as long as they are within the same region.
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